How to Tag A Page On Facebook 2019

This shows you how to connect to a Facebook page by identifying it in your Facebook standing.

How To Tag A Page On Facebook

How To Tag A Facebook Page

Technique 1 On Mobile

1. Open up Facebook. It's a blue app with a white "f" on it. If you're signed into Facebook, the app will open to your News Feed.

If you aren't currently signed right into Facebook, enter your email address as well as password and also tap Check in.

2. Tap the "What gets on your mind?" field. It's near the top of the page.

3. Tap the "What's on your mind?" message. This will certainly bring up the keyboard.

4. Kind @ adhered to by the web page's name. As you kind the name out, you ought to see web page tips show up.

The "@" icon remains in the 123 food selection in the bottom-left edge of the majority of phones' key-boards.

5. Tap the page you want to tag. You don't need to have actually "liked" the page for it to show up right here.

6. Faucet Post. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. Your Post will certainly tag the web page in question.

Unlike tagging individuals, labeling a web page in your condition won't show your Post on the web page's Web page. [1]

Technique 2 On Desktop

1 Most likely to the Facebook website. It lies at If you're already logged into Facebook, doing so will open your Information Feed.

If you aren't logged right into Facebook, initial enter your email address (or telephone number) right into the top-right corner of the screen as well as click Visit.

2 Click the "What's on your mind?" field. This text field is near the top of the Information Feed web page.

3 Type @ complied with by the start of the page's name. As you kind, pages will show up in a drop-down menu below your status; watch out for the one you wish to identify.

4 Click a web page's name. This will tag it in your standing.

5 Click Post. You'll see this alternative in the bottom-right corner of the condition window. Clicking it will upload your standing with your web page tagged.

Your tag won't appear on the page's News Feed, yet your friends will certainly be able to click the tag to watch the page.